GN ReSound is pleased toannounce its return to IFA, the world’s largest consumer electronics trade showin Berlin, Germany, to demonstrate the company’s expanding portfolio ofaward-winning, innovative Smart Hearing technologies.
Before the show opened to thepublic,
ReSound’s Smart Hearing technology made a splash at IFA’s widelyattended press
events where GN ReSound was awarded three ShowStoppers EnvisioneeringAwards for
Innovation and Design, highlighting the company’s ongoing commitmentto
developing the world’s most innovative hearing technologies and making
thesesolutions accessible to as many people as possible. These awards recognized
thecutting-edge technology and user-friendly design of the ReSound LiNX,
ReSoundSmart™ app and ReSound Up Smart™.
早在产品展正式开幕以前,瑞声达智能助听技术已在“ShowStoppers” IFA媒体发布活动中获得无数掌声,并连获三个产品创新设计大奖。活动中,瑞声达承诺将继续研发世界最具创新精神的助听技术,并让越来越多的人真正享受到最尖端的听力解决方案。
此次大奖的获得主要源于瑞声达聆客(LiNX),智高(ReSound Up Smart™)助听器的前沿科技以及随手调应用程序(ReSound Smart™)的用户友好界面设计。
“We are verypleased to return to IFA this year to feature ReSound’s Smart Hearing aidsolutions. Since last year, we have seen the launch of the ReSound LiNX,followed by the ReSound Smart app designed specifically for the Apple Watch,the expansion of our compatibility portfolio to include even more Androidsmartphone models. It is an exciting time for our industry and the more thanthree hundred million people worldwide living with hearing loss. GN ReSound isproud to lead the way in Smart Hearing innovation and excited to bringconsumers the best possible solutions to meet their individual hearing needs,” GN ReSound CEO Anders Hedegaard said.
瑞声达CEO Anders Hedegaard对于此次瑞声达的参展说到:“很高兴又回来参加今年的IFA产品展,让我们有机会将瑞声达智能助听器解决方案展示给全世界,从去年开始,我们陆续推出瑞声达LiNX智能助听器系列、苹果专享的随手调手机APP以及之后又将APP兼容性扩展到安卓系统(Android),这对整个助听器行业乃至全球3亿的听力损失患者来说,都是一种激动人心的鼓舞。未来,瑞声达将领航智能助听器创新领域的新发展,并致力于提供满足用户独特需求的听力解决方案”。
GN ReSound’s activities atIFA include
interactive demonstrations of the world’s first Made foriPhone hearing aids, the
ReSound LiNX, as well as the revolutionary controlfeatures of the ReSound Smart
app, compatible with Apple iOS devices, includingthe iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
and Apple Watch and several Android smartphonemodels.
瑞声达在IFA产品展上的活动包括全球首款Made for iPhone助听器的互动式现场演示 - LiNX聆客助听器以及革命性的随手调APP的现场展示,它兼容苹果iOS系统设备,包括iPhone, iPad, iPod touch,Apple Watch以及多个安卓系统(Android)的智能设备。
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